There are many theories and ideas that people have when it comes to which type of Coca - Cola is best for you. But which one really is healthier?
When you look at the three options, you instantly know that Coca - Cola is the full fat, full sugar big brother of the other two. When it comes to the Diet and Zero versions, things are not so clear cut. Both have no calories, no sugar and they are artificially sweetened with the same amount of sweetener. So why does the Coca - Cola company sell these two seemingly identical products as two different names?
Well, here comes the truth. Whilst the two 'healthier' versions of the original label seem the same, Diet Coke contains 24% more caffeine than the other two. Where regular Coke has 9.7mg per 100ml and Coke Zero has 9.8mg per 100ml, Diet Coke packs a whopping 12.8mg per 100ml of caffeine.
When Diet Coke was released in the 1980's advertising zero calories or fat, it was made with a different blend of ingredients which gave a conpletely new taste. In 2005, the Coca - Cola Company released Coke Zero. Sometimes referred to as 'bloke Coke', the amount of caffeine is almost identical to regular Coke and most people agreed it gave the same taste.
Along with these differences, the food acids in each is different. Regular Coke contains phosphoric acid, Diet Coke has citric acid and Coje Zero sodium citrate. Also, Diet and Zero both contain preservative 211 (sodium benzoate) which is used in most soft drinks to preserve their shelf life. This isn't needed for regular Coke because the that it contains preserves the drink.
Well there you have it. Now you know the difference, which one will you drink next?